POST-28: "Goals: The Gift Of Life"✍🏾❤️

The gift of life is life itself. I'm convinced of this. Not only your own health and prosperity of existence, but the lives and relationships that exist around you. This can be people, plants, pets, whatever! The magic of creation should never be understated. Some of us as parents or expectants have experienced this majesty more intimately to attest to these statements. Therefore, the reverse can be even more problematic. The experiences of death/loss are traumatic to say the least.

We establish bonds with these people, things, and circumstances in our lives. We give them life and meaning through our efforts and attention. Thus, the cycle continues for greater appreciation towards ever more Life! I've experienced much life, death, and close encounters with both in 38 years to know these truths to be accurate. My only hope for you and I is that we never lose sight of this truth, and can begin to pour ourselves ever more into life giving goals and endeavors.

Like I've said before, “There days are long and the years are short. So we should maximize each day”. Now remember, to each their own. Some may be practicing delayed gratification in order to reach a more meaningful, life giving goal in the future. Whereas others may be in a “selfish-season” that demands they adopt the “Yolo” mentality at every turn. I'm not here to judge that, I just simply want you to remember what you're pursuing and why?

Endurance is the name of the game, and every year around this time people start to break out their journals and whiteboards, making plans to achieve new heights in the new year. Nothing wrong with that either. Totally support it. But what makes a good goal or New Year's resolution? Must it make us richer in our pocket books, or slimmer on the scale? Should it position ourselves or our family members to a place in society that's higher up the economic scale and break generational patterns?

What about meaningfulness? Does it bring is closer to God, or more spiritually aligned with our maker? I'm of the impression that we should multiply. The Bible says to be fruitful and do just that! As we grow into our new skins, physically and spiritually, we make way for more Life to be experienced by everyone in our worlds, and the world around us. When we take accountability to grow and get better, the world around us appreciates as a by product of that growth.

Make it a duty to add life to your existence and the world around you. Become richer both inwardly and outwardly so that you can spread hope and light to new seeds in a world that may be lying dormant. Your best self encourages others to become better as well. Your appreciation to love, life and goals gives Inspiration to on lookers to believe the same way. In a world that can be so divisive and split between topics of discussion, your call to unity and prosperity sends waves through the atmosphere for change.

These are goals worth reaching for. I pray that 2024 has both more growth and relief to those of you who choose to be Great! May the New Year be proof that all good things are possible to those who believe. And in the face of adversity may you smile with expectation that triumph is one short turn away from present. Don't quit. Don't falter. The best is yet to come!..

2024: Bring on your best shot!


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