POST-29: "Living A Purposeful Life"🤔

“Living a purposeful Life”.🤔 🚀

Hey folks, 😄👋🏽 it’s me again. Been awhile since I’ve written a blog post, but I got a little time today, and this process is always therapeutic 💆🏽‍♂️. I found myself this afternoon doing something I haven’t done in a while, which is look up motivational videos on deep, thought provoking concepts on Life and the meaning of it all. Is it bc I’m approaching a midlife crisis? Going through a lot of life changes and transitions, or maybe both? Can you relate to this feeling in any way? It happens to the best of us… I found myself in a little bit of a funk earlier in the day, so I proceeded to do what I know works. A little bit of self care, some exercise, some movement/ errands, and of course YouTube for inspiration and now writing. Have you broken up with gf/bf? 💔 Just started school or preparing to start or finish? 📚 Are you looking to make a job switch or figure out how you’re going to build your next business that sets you up to be financially free ? 💰 Or if you’re anything like me, all of the above 😫. Change hurts. And it can really have you questioning your existence in a serious way. I’ve spoken before about depression and mental health, and how important it is to be proactive in your relationship with your thoughts and feelings. We never want to get so low that we take things out of context and make a bad day (or days) into a life of meaninglessness all together. Oftentimes it’s Important to address mental fog with deep work ahead of time so that you don’t spiral into a space that’s not meant for you either. Knowing what that feels like I try to utilize the tools in my tool belt as much as possible. Especially during times of transition or loss. I found myself watching a Ted talk of a few gentlemen describing steps on how to identify your life’s purpose. It seemed interesting so I took notes. Some of the things they’d mentioned were already made known To me years ago, but the refresher was greatly appreciated. Alignment is the name of the game. No matter how consistent you find yourself in your daily routines, it’s important to remember your why’s and focus so you don’t go journeying into a future that was never meant for you. I got stumped when I followed his instructions to ask myself: “what is it that you’re masterful at doing that you can teach others to do “? I felt pretty bad considering mastery is a big word in my vocabulary book. I sat with the thought for a while and watched a couple of other similar vids to gain insight. It turns out, that my response wasn’t so uncommon for most ppl. At the very least it’s important that you actually be having these critical discussions with yourself so that you can get closer to a meaningful existence. I realize that I’m good at several things, but mastery not quite yet. I did however come to the conclusion that my life’s passion is to inspire ordinary ppl to live their most extraordinary lives . Yeah…I’m ok with that. Maybe it’s my imperfections coupled with my will to succeed that allow others the freedom to achieve their own. Perhaps, it’s my pursuit of wanting to be more that ignites the fire in you to give tomorrow your best shot, despite your crummy yesterday. Yeah… I’ll accept that. Making the most of what you’ve got is all anyone could ever ask for. When life seems to throw you endless curve balls you either learn how to hit them ⚾, or take your balls and walk to first base. If you’re in that transitionary state too, and want to know if there’s light at the end of the tunnel, I’m here to tell you there is, and it’s true. Belief, faith and hope only need to be a mustard seed sized to take shape into your most ambitious dreams. Your destiny will accept you as you are, and will mold you appropriately as you grow into your next level. Hang in there champ 😁 💪🏽. The best is yet to come, and even the greatest warriors experience trials from time to time. You need them to differentiate between the two: failure and success. #PerseveranceAndGrowth🔥❤️💪🏽

Arthur OniahComment