
Who is Arthur Oniah?

Arthur Oniah is a small-town, country boy from Baton Rouge, LA. He was raised in Alabama, and grew-up in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX. He is the youngest to Joseph and Catherine. Two, hard-working parents who received their college educations in Engineering and Nursing. Growing up, Arthur was an ambitious young-man, full of spirit and compassion for his friends. He had a unique ability to bring people together, and make sure they got along well. Academically, he excelled. Yet often-times he got into trouble for talking too much in class. He was seen as the “Class-Clown” (which sometimes frustrated his teachers), but in his defense: “It wasn’t his fault”.

As an Artist, Arthur realized his passion for public speaking could be used to his advantage, professionally. With the help of some friends, he started a rap-group and began making music. They nick-named him “King” Arthur, so he ran with it. Getting into trouble and making some noise, King Arthur became “A rebel without a cause”. His drive and tenacity led him down dangerous pathways that could have nearly ended his life.

Thankfully, he was given a second chance.

As a Disabled-Veteran of The United States Army, Arthur Oniah vowed to commit his life’s work to using his talents to make the world a better place. Today, he travels the world speaking to companies, schools, and individuals about the importance of “Perseverance and Growth”. He uses personal, and childhood stories of overcoming challenges to teach valuable lessons and practice what he preached.

Arthur specializes in Organizational Leadership, Business Management, and Education. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business, is pursuing his Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management, and will eventually obtain his PhD. He teaches students how to make progress towards personal goals, by applying strategies he has learned from over 20 years of experience.

These strategies advocate the importance of ‘Kaizen’ (a Japanese philosophy meaning “Continuous-Improvement”). His Goal is to reach Millions of students world-wide, and teach them how to create meaningful changes that will last a life-time!

Book Arthur Today to Speak at your Company’s Next Event, Workshop, or School Assembly. 

“The Best Is Yet To Come!”— “King” Arthur Oniah.