POST-26: “ I Want To Be As Famous As Denzel Washington ✨🎥🍿”

I want to be as famous a Denzel ✨ 🎥🍿

Today I woke up and thought: I want to be as famous as Denzel Washington. 🤔😅

Weird, right?.. Maybe not so much. After all, one of the last things I saw before going. To bed was a trailer of his new movie the equalizer 3 (which, by the way, looks like it’s going to be awesome! 😁)… And for the last twenty yrs or so, I made it my issue to wake up and ask myself one of two things: A. How can I make an impact in life today? & B. How can I grow Today?

Unless you’ve lived under a rock for the last decade, you would know that Denzel Washington has officially solidified his name to be one of the most admired and impactful human beings to ever walk planet Earth !🌎. If you haven’t seen one of his legendary movies or stage plays, You’ve def seen/heard him deliver motivational messages to graduating students or listeners alike. As fans, we’ve been able to see. The evolution of Denzel the actor and the Man for many years.

From big screen, Hollywood playboy, to devoted husband and father (still in real life, today!..That’s no easy feat.) He Also managed to climb into superstardom as a celebrity, while also maintaining a private, and respectful home life as well.

In a place where most ppls characters get eaten alive (no pun intended) Denzel Washington has managed to keep it all together. Not to mention, he’s also very well known for mentoring other Hollywood A-listers, and up and comers as well in their 🎭 acting careers.

Yep, he’s an all around bad As* & we all could take Some plays out of his book. Whether I end up on the big screen is yet to be determined, but his overall impact and influence is what I aspire towards. To be the man that close, loved ones remember him for, and the lives he’s blessed with his endearing words of encouragement… is what I aim to do. …“King Kong! Ain’t got nothing, on me! 🦍 👑” 😁

Of course he’s one of many ppl i admire, but I felt compelled to share this one today… so, who do you look up to, and why?.. You know, synonymous to his acting catalogue, Denzels movies haven’t all been box office hits either… Many of his films/plays you’ve never heard of!... Life can be just like that, can’t it?...You’ll reach and touch/ influence ppl in private that ppl in your public life will never know about bc it was meant to be bw, you two and Jesus.

As I’ve shared before, there are growth moments you will experience that are Oftentimes subtle in nature, vs the big breaks. Appreciate them all. Every stone, brick, 🧱 🪨 and pebble are useful in the building of the monument of your life. Cherish them all! 🙂 May we forever build temples of learning and development, and always remember to: #PerseveranceAndGrowth 🔥❤️

💪🏾 ✌️

Arthur OniahComment