POST-16: “Finding-Life’s 🍭🍬 Sweet-Spot 🎯”.

Hey Friends 😁… I’m titling This post: “Finding-Life’s 🍭🍬 Sweet-Spot 🎯”…

As usual, the conversation is circled around the important topics such as Gratitude, Relationships, daily changes (Kaizen). Perceived views of things we find accurate vs Inaccurate, consistency, clarity, peace, etc….The term: (Threading the 🧵 Needle), can also be used here… When reflecting on the idea, I couldn't help but to think about The 90’s…(Super Mario Bros)…🍄😅 Remember?

At every level of completion, you Put the crown 👑 on your achievement by jumping on to the (Flagstaff)… With the hopes of getting the highest⭐ points added to your score, and scaling down, from the top of the flag. Ahhh…the memories.

To use technical, “business Words”: The “Zone Of Opportunity” is also a relevant way of looking at things… I remember growing up playing multiplayer games with my Brother. Mario included. We both were pretty good, but he always seemed to maintain his lives throughout the duration of play. I lost mine, and therefore became the brains of the operation. Still, it was a team effort. Not only would I help him navigate through different stages, but I’d use my strategic thinking 🤔 to aid him in pin pointing how slow or fast he should go. What steps to take, to defeat the bad guys, and what rooms/doors to enter when looking for hidden treasures of sorts. It was pretty cool!

It made me feel useful, if anything else. But life is a lot like that too, don't u think?... Not that life is a video 🎮 game, or something to be mismanaged and played with, but a collaborative affair where one or more ppl utilize their talents to help the overall collective, achieve a desired aim. There's usually multiple ways to succeed. Many different avenues or thought processes to consider, and a plethora Of options to choose from. The term: “failing your way to the top” is commonly used, and often times true. But, even when failing fwd. Strategic decisions must be made.

That's the sweet 🎂 spot I’m talking about!.. This takes a great deal of patience, to various degrees, in many different areas in Life. Most times, we don't know what to do next, do we rely on help. Others, we leave God and fate to carry us through. But the truths still exist. We must #persevere and grow. Now, that might make you uncomfortable at times, but so is Life. At each new level we’re faced with another challenging uncertainty, that I think only the Grace of God can assist. Making good use of our free time Helps 😊 This can be spent organizing, planning and adjusting our schedules to fit our goals, or simply catching up on much needed rest. Either way, you’re making progress. And that's pretty 🧁 sweet to know.

My hope is that you save this message, and share it with your loved ones whom you think would find value in it. Everyone is at a different stage in their success/Growth journeys, but the process of wait is always an element that's included. What are you doing in your wait time as you prepare for the next step up? How can you be inventive in your procedures that add value to those you work with? Be creative. There's no need for smoke and mirrors. 10x out of 10, you're on the right track, and have what's needed in front of you.

Now more than ever, social media, and the internet allows you to exercise those gifts.. getting caught up in everyone else's emotional drama based on results you think you should have will only confuse you. It's called information overload. An excess of options are great, as long as you don't allow the actions of others to take you off your own path. Step out of that. There’s a 🧁 sweet spot to success that many ppl will never share with you, for whatever reasons. Find a way to enjoy your journey without needing much in return. Eventually, you'll have more and want/need to do more, but your progress is always happening from within. Mastering your inner dialogue or thoughts is an arbitrary idea anyway, TBH. Bc a true master knows you’re always continuing to grow either way 😊. The key is to be at peace with that 🕊️.

I'm not saying it's easy, bc I struggle with it daily. However, everyday is different. Every interaction, even when they seem routine at times, have some element of change in them as well.

Remember: God’s got you. “Keep 1st things first 🥇” ... Never stop learning📚 and developing your skills. And Simplicity is 🗝️, while Enduring the Battle of Life. 🙏.

I’ll see you at the top! 😉


Arthur OniahComment