POST-3: “Emojis-Saved My Life…☹️"
In Today’s day and age, Industries and companies are moving further and further into the digital space where Automation Becomes the “New-Norm”. This change in operations is seen as useful, and often times necessary. #Kaizen.
Economies of scale are obtained, as Executives do their best to Forge ahead into New-Frontiers, “leaving the past behind them”, and Finding more Efficiency, with Technology at their Fingertips! There's only One problem:
What about the Dinosaurs???..
How do u get the “Dinosaurs” to adapt?
“Dinosaurs” (as I like to describe them), are people like me. Sometimes, people in the tech-world refer to us as “Laggards”/ “Individuals who Catch-On too Late” (I'm not completely on the far end, but close enough).
At Times, this used to frustrate me. I Constantly compared myself to my peers/counterparts, wishing to “run with the big-dogs” (no matter the space), I just wanted to fit in. As a millennial, I thought: “Pffft!— iPhones??.. That's nothing…” —-“Tech, what!??!…Hand it over here!…” But soon, I was Rudely awakened to find, that this truly is a whole other WORLD! Not only in navigating cell phones, but computers. Automated systems In the workplace. Mc Donald’s Kiosks at Restaurants. Uber Eats, Netflix, and More!… This was all too exhausting.
I figured: “You know what? I'll just stick to the basics!…And let these “Gen-Zer, Teenie boppers play with their smart phones all day..I mean, Who needs it!??… I’m a resourceful Man…”.
Until, my normal-operation speed (at that time) became obsolete with my phone in hand!... I was Forced to upgrade. I thought, No problem. I'll just buy the latest tech-thingy on the market, and be done with it…(That'll keep me flying). But No... My Brother (A cellular sales agent at the time), advised me to purchase a less expensive phone, stating that: “ just because this here has all the bells and whistles, doesn't mean it's the Right phone for u”! Wisdom beyond my years...
Fast forward to today, I am still a bit behind In terms of Mastering technology, and in fact I still get frustrated about that. I wish I could communicate like my Bros and sisters who seem to have a “Good-Grip on things”… I still get insecure about Attempting to even communicate The language of tech, because it all is foreign to me, and I'd hate to sound stupid… Today, I am 35y.o, born in 1985.
So imagine how my Dad must feel!?.. or better yet, other men and women who don't have a sound Grip on “All things technology”. . . It is both frustrating and embarrassing, especially knowing that there's no looking back (quite scary).
But hey, we’re coming along, right?
I mean, thank God I'm starting to get a LITTLE Better about using PICTURES to help describe how I feel when talking to my friends… #perseveranceandgrowth. We still have a long ways to go…
I try to pat myself on the back for the small wins. I didn't Completely lose my TOP when miscommunicating via text. —???
How about when Google voice, or predictive phone technologies Assume they know the words I am trying to use when talking to my girlfriend?...
“What ever, I've got bigger fish to fry”…..Right?…
...But Again I ask: “what about the dinosaurs??”…We(& They've) Lived THIS long to see society Advance. Aren't they entitled to have phones work for them too?? #Q.T.N.A.
What about call center agents OR Front line Employees??
How will Introverted, Sally sue, or Billy Bob figure out how to Express his/hers GREAT ideas about the New, Team project to Executive, Suite Mgmt, so they can get Ahead Professionally (without feeling Alienated by their lack of “Professional Etiquette” in an email) ?? This is. A real issue by the way, look it up*
But Seriously, “Emojis Saved My Life…”
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, clearly I only have a few grand, as a self-proclaimed Dinosaur, but I’m looking forward to Days Ahead.
Collaboratively, I know we can make a difference in this world as #GlobalCitizens, And have the young Teaching The old, in Perfect harmony, and vice versa. Win:win all around.
Until then, play with your phone, and try something new. I'm with u dinosaur.