POST-22: “It's Poisonous To Be Fake 🤥🤢”.
What’s up world? You know who it is…👑😁 Grab your popcorn 🍿… You’re in for a treat!.. With these next few paragraphs I hope to inspire some wisdom in each of you today. To understand that you can only, ever be fully liked by one person alone, and that’s you (2 if you include the Creator). A Most challenging feat since we all live in a world full of judgements and comparisons.
However, I take my hat off to those who try, intentionally to love themselves more everyday, when the world’s mirror 🪞 repeatedly shows you your imperfections. This is why Success is hard work, and requires lots of faith. A crucifix, If you will.
Make no doubt about it, Even the most secure and confident of us all face that demon of doubt, in pursuit of who we’re truly meant to become. It makes me wonder, where on Earth we got this from? 🤔 All my life I've possessed an extreme degree of optimism, and have tried to share my light with the world.
Connecting others and lifting spirits. Leading teams and enjoying Life 🙂. Of course, I've been teased, made fun of, bullied, picked on, humbled, and even more. And although, I've taken on quite a bit of collateral damage in 37 years, my default has remained glass half full 🍷.
In Mike Robbins’ book: (Be yourself, Everyone else is already taken…) He writes: “It takes courage to live, work, and create relationships with a real sense of honesty and genuineness “ truer words have never been spoken.
AUTHENTICITY is the word of the day. And right now you may be asking yourself: “But what does it mean to be Fake vs Authentic “? Good question!. Knowledge of self is multi faceted, only because Growth is your birthright.
Tack on, Leadership-Development, at all stages, and you’ve got quite the big plate to carry…Now, Don't you? I've analyzed this subject enough to know, that To “Not grow” is an impossibility. You either get incrementally better each day, or you regress..and then die. There is no in between.
Therefore, the focus of any given day or activity, should be concentrated on the quality of effort you deliver in each moment. Tomorrow's not promised, but goals must be set and pursued. #kaizen.
Think of it this way…the pressure is always off, bc you control the knob. Conversely, you also have the power to “press the gas”, at any time, in order to reach your dreams. Obstacles are meant to be overcome, but they're only truly mastered through Authentic appreciation.
You can be or focus on your greatest strengths, or your greatest weaknesses. The choice is yours. When stepping into a room of others you can choose to see the beauty in the people around you, or Project your negative insecurities, one way or the other. In any case, you have a choice.
Sometimes, we’re bound by the noise and volume of those who choose to dim their lights 💡… echoing out falsehoods we’re unable, to close, our ears to, from time to time. In these moments, stay resilient. --it's ok to be unhappy, sad, angry, etc. It's temporary.
It's not ok, however, to accept that as your Permanent state in Life. When you do, you're poisonous. ☠️ Not only to yourself, but to others as well when you choose not to acknowledge the truth. Even with a smile on your face. Recovery and healing are what's most important towards growth.
Everybody knows that. But if you've never given yourself time to heal, and continue towards the beatdowns of Life experiences, no words or actions, in spite of those damages, can ever be made right. –Happiness, peace and joy is all we ever wanted… but it escapes us too often in a world full of fears.
Your Creator is divine, and placed a mustard seed of wisdom inside of you 🙂. Even when it's malnourished, your discerning voice from within has the power to move mountains. You just have to give it time to think, breathe and speak loudly enough for you to move on it... It has been quieted too often by your parents, friends, family-members, colleagues, enemies, haters, television and Hollywood, your whole Life!.. 🤷🏾♂️ …..Be still.
If you give yourself Grace and patience above All, God will give yourself another chance to breakthrough. Make no doubt about it. Each season is different, unfortunately. Sometimes you'll be tapped in tremendously. Other times, you'll feel completely out of whack. Just remember, the cameras aren't always on, and you have permission to change the channel at any time . You aren't the first and you’re not the last. This too shall pass.
As an Entrepreneur, I've always liked the phrasing: “you have the power to hire and fire yourself each day”. Basically meaning, if you were unhappy with the results of your yesterday, sleep it off, bc Tomm is a new one. To make it all better. It truly is a mindset Shift that has to occur daily. In order to be masterful at recovery, you have to train yourself in matters of Faith and resiliency.
These are things that can be taught and learned. Yet, rarely do we practice it enough. I believe the compunding traumas of our past are the results of that.
But how do you explain the underdog or an outlier? 🤔.. (a question I've asked myself for years). In fact, the driving force behind my motivation. “If he or she could do it, why can't I”?—
This question, coupled with an indomitable amount of faith and persistence is what has fueled my tenacity for over three decades!..
Try going against the 90%, grain of naysayers 👺, who choose to lay facedown towards life's beatings, instead of facing themselves to ask the realest Questions, for progress…and You’ll understand the pressure it takes to be above Avg.
Hopefully, in that process You learn to respect and appreciate greatness for what it is and applaud it at every turn. It's in the giving that we receive grace 🙏. Some people catch it sooner or later, and some never catch it at all.
Just know, that You can't change people, you can only change yourself. And any voice of doubt must be reckoned with accordingly.
So that's it, Good People: 😉👍. Stay real. Stay healthy.😉👍 And stay Out of your Own way. 😉👍#PerseveranceAndGrowth🔥❤️💪🏾.