POST-19: 🧘🏾♂️”Patience and Perseverance 🏃🏾♂️
Heavy is the heart that carries the burdens of the Deceased, Ancestors, Predecessors, and more. Release the control your past May have on u, in order to make way for Tomorrow’s goodness. 🙂. The Bible talks about: “Today having enough worries for itself..” (I believe) in order to steep us in present-moments.
Not to practice-Patience, for patience sake (which is advantageous in many ways), but to protect us as well. Having a heavy heart and moving into new situations yields poor results. Whoever knew what tomorrow would hold? I think If you experience this after trying too many things at once, or lived an extraordinary Life, you could appreciate the value of these words much more.
Effort is not an easy thing to come by… try it out! The ability to exert intentional force in one direction, to any degree, takes a lot of Energy… Energy is continuous and ever changing, yes!.. Now, Compound that intentional-Action over days, weeks, months, and years... And you'll find yourself in a very stressful-situation.
The unknown is the unknown. But over consuming yourself with the Future or past will leave you with a headache, or worse. Patience and rest are needed, in order to “level up”… here is a snippet from a recent Google search that may add more value to my words:
Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
“his perseverance with the technique illustrates his single-mindedness”
What is a good sentence for perseverance?
He had perseverance in good works. He had perseverance in the face of obstacles. Otto had untiring perseverance and relentless energy. It was this same perseverance that made her go to college. › …(END)
A Challenge I’ve often faced is, The practice of Patience…
The questions asked are: “where is patience going to take me”? … “Patience doesn’t move the needle forward”… “Action! Life is about action, and progress means you always move forward”.-- Lies. – All action isn't fruitful. But Strategic action is indeed, progress.
How many times have you moved, only to still be at a standstill?..🤔 Something to think about…
I have no Major “call to action” here, Only food for thought. 💭 I'm figuring things out, just like you.. 🙂 However,
My hope, is that wherever you are in your journey, you understand that your overall “Understanding” will always be shallow, at Best… And that's ok. Continue learning and growing.
Our job in life is to understand that as the Truth… Be patient with your process, bc it is beautiful and uniquely yours... “Getting in your own Way” is a real thing, and understanding what that looks like is the much bigger challenge, bc only you and your maker can determine what that is.
Clarity, certainty, and the ability to enact a Strategic thought into motion takes both time and Energy. Both of which you have none to lose or waste. So, cast those worries onto God my friend, and see what beauty lies ahead.
The best is yet to come.
#PerseveranceAndGrowth 🔥❤️💪🏾