POST-1: “Why Me?”

What is Success?..How would you define Happiness?..Many years ago when setting up my Facebook account, a section prompted me to include my “GOAL” in Life…. Of course, over time I've cut, paste, edited, and etc, etc. To make sure MY FB account reflected the things I wanted to see. (Now, this doesn't mean I will never edit it again…certainly not). However, I found it interesting in my yearly (and sometimes monthly) updates, I've always left that section alone. Over the years, I have evolved (as I hope you do as well).

My interests and tastes change with the times, but my GOAL has always been then same. “To be happy and successful”…. Pretty Simple, right? Well, the reason that short goal remains the same is because both happiness and success can be fleeting.

In order, I believe happiness should come first, and then success. Much joy can be derived from the pleasures of this world. We’re all afforded that (well, at least most of us). But what do you do when you're completely in alignment? How is it that your joy/happiness can be directly tied with your profession, vocation, or passion? Sounds exhausting, right? Just business as usual??…Well, it definitely can be. And in moments like this, I often think: “Why Me?”… But I guess I chose this Life, right?

I mean, I chose to sacrifice So much (and still do) in order to be in alignment with what I feel is my life’s purpose. What I am Truly called to do! And bc those aims are lofty (indeed), I struggle. But as DJ Khalid says: “Bless Up!”.

I suppose it's much better to struggle “on purpose”, than to Drag through life without meaning/focus…right?..

At the end of the day, we are all called to be Leaders… Leaders lead! And the grass isn't always Greener on the other side. You pick ur battle, and you live with it…Me?— i think I'll continue to take the road less traveled to Success, and pray God blesses me with happiness along the way.

Arthur Oniah